Michael practises predominantly in the area of commercial law. He also acts in matters involving public authorities, and state and federal governments. Michael appears regularly and State Supreme Courts and the Federal Court of Australia, in both trials and appeals.
Michael is a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne where he lectures on the law of commercial remedies.
*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation
BEc (Hons), LLB (Hons) (Monash), BCL, MPhil, DPhil (Oxon)
Michael holds first class honours degrees from Monash University, and masters and a doctoral degree from the University of Oxford.
Michael practises predominantly in the area of commercial law. He also acts in matters involving public authorities, and state and federal governments. Michael appears regularly and State Supreme Courts and the Federal Court of Australia, in both trials and appeals.
Michael is a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne where he lectures on the law of commercial remedies.
*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation
BEc (Hons), LLB (Hons) (Monash), BCL, MPhil, DPhil (Oxon)
Michael holds first class honours degrees from Monash University, and masters and a doctoral degree from the University of Oxford.