Marcus Roberts

Bar Roll: 2022 Admitted: 2018
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Marcus practises primarily in commercial and public law.

Before coming to the Bar, Marcus was associate to the Hon Justice Gordon AC at the High Court of Australia, associate to the Hon Justice Mortimer at the Federal Court of Australia, and a solicitor practising in commercial litigation and insolvency at Allens.

Marcus graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oxford.

Marcus is a reporter for the Commonwealth Law Reports. He read with Mark Costello KC and his senior mentor is David Batt KC.

Some recent cases in which Marcus has been briefed are listed here.


*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

ArbitrationBanking & FinanceClass ActionsCommercialCompetitionConflict of LawsConstitutional LawConstructionCorporate & CommercialCorporationsDefamation & Media LawDisciplinary ProceedingsDiscrimination/Equal OpportunityElectoral LawEmployment and Industrial RelationsEquity & TrustsFOI/PrivacyFraud, White Collar Crime and CorruptionHuman RightsInquestsInsolvencyInsuranceJudicial ReviewMediationMerits ReviewMigrationMining and ResourcesProfessional NegligencePropertyPublic LawRegulatoryRoyal Commissions/Government InquiriesSuperannuationTaxes – FederalTaxes – StateTrade Practices/Consumer ProtectionWills And Probate


Bachelor of Arts (first class) University of Oxford and Juris Doctor (first class) University of Melbourne

Marcus Roberts

Bar Roll: 2022 Admitted: 2018
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Marcus practises primarily in commercial and public law.

Before coming to the Bar, Marcus was associate to the Hon Justice Gordon AC at the High Court of Australia, associate to the Hon Justice Mortimer at the Federal Court of Australia, and a solicitor practising in commercial litigation and insolvency at Allens.

Marcus graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oxford.

Marcus is a reporter for the Commonwealth Law Reports. He read with Mark Costello KC and his senior mentor is David Batt KC.

Some recent cases in which Marcus has been briefed are listed here.


*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

Areas of Practice

ArbitrationBanking & FinanceClass ActionsCommercialCompetitionConflict of LawsConstitutional LawConstructionCorporate & CommercialCorporationsDefamation & Media LawDisciplinary ProceedingsDiscrimination/Equal OpportunityElectoral LawEmployment and Industrial RelationsEquity & TrustsFOI/PrivacyFraud, White Collar Crime and CorruptionHuman RightsInquestsInsolvencyInsuranceJudicial ReviewMediationMerits ReviewMigrationMining and ResourcesProfessional NegligencePropertyPublic LawRegulatoryRoyal Commissions/Government InquiriesSuperannuationTaxes – FederalTaxes – StateTrade Practices/Consumer ProtectionWills And Probate


Qualifications & Memberships


Bachelor of Arts (first class) University of Oxford and Juris Doctor (first class) University of Melbourne