by List A Staff | May 30, 2019
This is a foreign exchange cartel class action proceeding.
by ListA2019 | May 28, 2019
(patent for pharmaceutical; acting for patentee; challenge to validity of patent rejected and infringement established).
by List A Staff | May 27, 2019
Acting for a technology start-up company in oppression proceedings (unled)
by List A Staff | May 24, 2019
Acting for an international consortium in relation to a complex, high-value and large scale international arbitration (ICC, Singapore) in relation to an LNG project, including this associated litigation
by List A Staff | May 22, 2019
by ListA2019 | May 16, 2019
Led by Peter Bick QC
by List A Staff | May 15, 2019
Merger and anticompetitive agreement, civil penalty and injunction proceeding.
by List A Staff | May 14, 2019