by List A Staff | Apr 22, 1998
(Federal Court – Full Court) – Defence & War / Veterans’ Entitlements / war caused death / onus of proof / Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 ss.8, s120, s120A, s120B, s196B.
by List A Staff | Oct 10, 1997
(Federal Court) – Defence & War / operational service by veteran / death by cancer / benefits claim by widow / hypothesis as to causation / Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (Cth) / onus of proof
by List A Staff | Apr 7, 1996
(Supreme Court of Victoria) – Professional negligence / valuer / causation of loss / mitigation of loss / contract breach / contributory negligence of plaintiff / Wrongs Act 1958 Vic. s28 / causation.
by List A Staff | Jun 15, 1995
(Federal Court) – Corporations / trade practices / negligence / valuation of land / equity / torts / damages / insurance.