by List A Staff | May 27, 2017
(w/ R Craig QC) (limitation period)
by List A Staff | May 27, 2017
Unled. This matter involved copyright and anti-circumvention provisions.
by List A Staff | May 25, 2017
Unled. This matter involved patents.
by List A Staff | May 23, 2017
Supreme Court proceedings seeking directions on behalf of deed administrators.
by List A Staff | May 22, 2017
Claim against solicitors and accountants in connection with the purchase of shares in a national company selling solar panels.
by List A Staff | May 21, 2017
Shareholder action- ‘competing class action’ applications.
by List A Staff | May 21, 2017
Merits review of regulator’s decision to impose conditions on registration of KZPH as a higher education provider (settled).
by List A Staff | May 21, 2017
Investigation into whether joint marketing arrangements between BHP and Esso resulted in a substantial lessening of competition (settled).