by List A Staff | May 30, 2018
This case involved one party alleging a new range of Elwood clothing infringed copyright and including allegations of employee breach of duties and misuse of confidential information. Matter resolved with, amongst other things, undertakings.
by List A Staff | May 25, 2018
by List A Staff | May 25, 2018
This matter involved the remission of the general interest charge.
by List A Staff | May 24, 2018
by ListA2019 | May 24, 2018
by ListA2019 | May 23, 2018
CORPORATIONS LAW – Statutory demand – Application to set aside – Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), s 459J(1)(b) – Some other reason – Proceedings in District Court of Queensland – Claim under guarantee – Plaintiff to this application not a party to the District Court...
by List A Staff | May 22, 2018
Consumer law, civil penalty proceeding, led by Tim Begbie
by List A Staff | May 21, 2018