Kylie Evans KC reappointed to the Human Rights Advisory Panel

List A congratulates Kylie Evans KC on being reappointed to the Human Rights Advisory Panel of the Queensland Parliament.  Kylie is a leading expert in human rights law and has been a member of the panel since 2020. She provides human rights advice to parliamentary...

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List A congratulates new members of the Victorian Bar Council

The Victorian Bar has announced its newly appointed office bearers for the 2024-2025 term.  List A congratulates Raini Zambelli who was appointed Honorary Treasurer and members Timothy Goodwin and Jakub Patela who were appointed as members of the Bar Council.  ...

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New readers May 2024

List A Barristers is thrilled to welcome our new readers, Gary Zhang, Georgia Dobbyn and Stephanie Mann as they commence their journey as a barrister with the Victorian Bar. Gary, Georgia ad Steph are now available to accept briefs.  Please contact the List A office...